3 x Famille Perrin Luberon Rosé 放大

3 x Famille Perrin Luberon Rosé

2021 | 法国 | 普罗旺斯 750 ml | 12.50 %
  • 口感
  • Strawberry
  • Floral
  • 最佳食物搭配
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Spicy
  • 产品亮点
  • 90+
  • 产品信息

    3 days ONLY! 

    3 Bottles Perrin Luberon Rosé

    Drawn from one of the Provence’s most celebrated terroirs, 

    Total value of ¥595
    NOW ONLY ¥365 for 3 bottles!  


    The 2021 vintage reflects a surprising year for the region. It is characterized by a mild, wet winter, hot, dry spring followed by a temperate and humid summer. This can only be classifed as an atypical year, a year for the winemaker. Work and supervision in the vineyards was mandatory until through to harvest. The slow ripening of the grapes and long macceration of the skins during vinification have resulted in aromatic wines, only to be describded as fresh and fine. The white wines are pretty, fruity and expressive with great minerality.The 2014 vintage reflects a surprising year for the region. It is characterized by a mild, wet winter, hot, dry spring followed by a temperate and humid summer. This can only be classifed as an atypical year, a year for the winemaker. Work and supervision in the vineyards was mandatory until through to harvest. The slow ripening of the grapes and long macceration of the skins during vinification have resulted in aromatic wines, only to be describded as fresh and fine. The white wines are pretty, fruity and expressive with great minerality.









    普罗旺斯 (Provence)产区位于法国法国南部地中海和阿尔卑斯山脉之间,最东边的Cote d'Azur与意大利接壤,最西边紧挨罗讷河谷(Rhone Valley) ,东西相距约200公里,葡萄园主要分布在Var、Bouches-du-Rhone和Alpes-Maritimes这三个地区。除了薰衣草,作为法国桃红葡萄酒的诞生地,这里的桃红酒最是让人魂牵梦绕。普罗旺斯是法国主要的桃红葡萄酒产区,当地桃红葡萄酒的产量占到80%,是整个法国桃红葡萄酒产量的45%还要多,当仁不让的排名法国第一大桃红葡萄酒产区。除此之外,那带有浓浓地中海风格,当地浓郁粗犷的红葡萄酒,以及具有独特香料气味的白葡萄酒,构成了一道传统而精彩的普罗旺斯风景线。普罗旺斯地区种植着十几种葡萄品种,非常多元,其中酿造红葡萄酒的主要有歌海娜、神索、慕维得尔、佳利酿、西拉和赤霞珠,由于成熟度很高,酿出来的酒都带有浓郁的水果和香料的气味。